
Comedian Blaire Erskine Drops Perfect Response to Facebook Outage


“We here at Facebook would just like to say, I thought you deleted Facebook,” the comedian began in her latest video, posing as a spokesperson for the company.


Comedian Blaire Erskine, who is best known for making MAGA parody videos that are so good they enrage her fellow progressives, turned her attention to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp’s major outage on Monday. And she got it up just in time for the social networks to go back online so she could share it.

Posting as a spokesperson for the company, Erskine began with, “We here at Facebook would just like to say, I thought you deleted Facebook.”

Then, referring to the outcry over the whistleblower who appeared on 60 Minutes Sunday night, she added, “We just think it’s kind of funny that last night everybody was like #DeleteFacebook and then this morning they’re like #FacebookDown. You know, because which one is it? Did y’all already delete it or is it down? Because it can’t be down if you deleted it.”

And in response to everyone hailing “Tom from MySpace” as the internet’s new hero, she said, “Tom left you! Do you think Tom thinks about you now? He doesn’t. He’s a photographer now.”

Finally, she concluded, “Good luck remembering your mom’s birthday now, you pieces of shit!”

Erskine, who recently landed a gig writing for Jimmy Kimmel Live!, got a bit conspiratorial on Monday evening when she told me via Twitter DM that it “just seemed like such a high school move to make” when Facebook went dark the day after they were exposed on such a major platform.

“Like when you’re a teenage girl and you hear your boyfriend is planning on dumping you, so you dump him first like ‘that’ll teach him’ haha,” she shared. “A petty power move. Gotta respect it. You will never be able to convince me they didn’t do it themselves just to scare everyone.”

She also said she “didn’t realize” that Facebook was already back up when she went to post the video, joking, “This is another example of FACEBOOK TRYING TO ASSERT DOMINANCE AND SABOTAGE ME PERSONALLY.”

In the past, Erskine’s videos have been met with a barrage of outraged comments from people who think they’re real, from Michael Moore to Katie Couric. It’s possible that people are finally starting to catch on to the satire.

“No one prominent has been confused yet, but build it and they will come, you know?” she tells me. “I’m holding out hope for a Tom from MySpace retweet.”

For more, listen to Blaire Erskine on ‘The Last Laugh’ podcast.