Robert Crimo III’s father signed the form enabling him to buy the guns he is accused of using to kill at least seven people in Highland Park, Illinois, on Monday, state police said. In Illinois, a Firearm Owners Identification, or FOID card, is required to buy a gun, with individuals under 21 needing written consent from a parent or guardian to get the card. Crimo exhibited various red flags prior to his gun purchase; police say he attempted suicide in the spring of 2019 and talked about “killing everybody” in September of that same year, after which police seized 16 knives, a dagger, and a sword from his home. But, according to state police, Crimo applied for a FOID card in December 2019 at the age of 19 with his father signing the required forms. As The Daily Beast reported, Crimo bought the rifle allegedly used on Monday from an online dealer.