Squirrels in California have added a new dish to their menu: meat. A study at UC Davis revealed that California ground squirrels were hunting, killing and eating voles. Researchers called the animals an “opportunistic omnivore” and said the rodents were more flexible in their diet than they had previously assumed. “We had never seen this behavior before. Squirrels are one of the most familiar animals to people. We see them right outside our windows; we interact with them regularly,” Jennifer E. Smith, a biology professor who leads the long-term squirrels ground project at UW-Eau Claire. “Yet here’s this never-before-encountered-in-science behavior that sheds light on the fact that there’s so much more to learn about the natural history of the world around us.” Voles were the only mammal seen to be hunted by the squirrels during the study. “The researchers said many questions remain unanswered, including how widespread the hunting behavior is among squirrels, whether and how it is passed down from parent to pup, and how it effects ecological processes,” the study read.