Donald Trump has officially turned his winning presidential campaign into an infomercial. During Tuesday night’s victory speech, the candidate showed off a table stacked high with Trump Steaks, Trump Wine, Trump Water, and more. The point was to disprove the haters like Mitt Romney and demonstrate what a successful businessman he is.
But as The Daily Show revealed on Wednesday, the vast majority of those Trump-branded products do not even exist.
Yes, Trump challenged the media to look into his claims that he owns a Virginia winery “100 percent, no mortgage,” and Senior Political Correspondent Jordan Klepper complied.
“Right there on the website of the thing he boasted he owned 100 percent of, it says that Trump Winery is ‘not owned, managed or affiliated with Donald J. Trump,’” Klepper said. As for Trump Steaks, they were sold through The Sharper Image for just two short months in 2007, and according to that company’s CEO, they “literally sold almost no steaks.”
So what exactly is Trump doing with all this product placement? “He’s coasting to the Republican nomination, that’s what he’s doing,” Klepper said.
Even Trump Magazine, which the candidate claimed to hold up during Tuesday’s press conference, was really just a pamphlet for his Florida resorts. “It’s like if Sky Mall fucked a Chinese takeout menu and gave birth to an ad for a topless Brazilian steakhouse.”
“I spent all night looking into this stuff,” Klepper said, “and spoiler alert, it’s all bullshit.”