Trevor Noah Destroys Alan Dershowitz’s Impeachment Hypocrisy


Rather than admit that he was wrong about Clinton, Trump’s lawyer will only say he’s “much more correct” now.

On the first day of the Senate impeachment trial, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah took a look at the “insane” legal team that President Trump put together to defend him. Not only does it include Ken Starr, who ran the investigation that led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment but also Alan Dershowitz who famously defended O.J. Simpson. (Both men also defended the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.)

“These lawyers are perfect for Trump,” Noah said, “because they have experience with super-guilty people and super-horny presidents.”

And while Trump’s defense is planning to argue that he should not be removed from office because the articles of impeachment do not constitute “criminal” acts, Dershowitz specifically argued the opposite during the Clinton trial. “It certainly doesn’t have to be a crime,” he said in 1999, “if you have someone who completely corrupts the office of president.”

“Yes, it turns out that over the past 20 years, Alan Dershowitz’s legal opinions have changed as much as his hairstyles,” the host joked in response. “Because you see, right now he’s saying ‘abuse of power’ is not an impeachable offense, but back in the ‘90s he says it was.”

But even more infuriating to Noah was the way Dershowitz tried to defend his evolving views to CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Instead of admitting he was “wrong” back then, he simply says he’s “much more correct” now.

“Wait, what?!” Noah asked. “That is one of the most original lines I have ever heard in my life.”