Trevor Noah Goes Off on Elon Musk for ‘Insane’ Lockdown Rant


“Finally someone has decided to call out this fascist American government that’s asking people to please stay in their homes to try and save their own lives!”

Comedy Central

“We’re going on six weeks of lockdown and it’s clearly starting to wear on some people’s nerves,” Trevor Noah said on Thursday’s episode of The Daily Show. He was talking about Tesla CEO Elon Musk and it was a massive understatement.

“He’s never been a fan of the shutdown in the first place, but last night, he pushed the button for insane mode,” the host added of Musk, who ranted against the “fascist” stay-at-home orders during an earnings call with investors this week.

After tweeting “FREE AMERICA NOW,” Musk said on the call, “The expansion of shelter-in-place, or as we call it, forcibly imprisoning people in their homes, against all their constitutional rights, is, in my opinion, breaking people’s freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong, and not why people came to America and built this country. What the fuck?”

“Yes! Elon! Finally!” Noah replied. “Finally someone has decided to call out this fascist American government that’s asking people to please stay in their homes to try and save their own lives!” He suggested that Musk is “just trying to stir up civil unrest so that people end up being in one of his bulletproof trucks.”

“You know, the weirdest part of all this is that Elon Musk always says that we’re all living in a computer simulation,” the host said. “But now he’s like, ‘Yo, yo, the universe might be fake but my stock prices are real. Let’s take this shit seriously, people.’”

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