Trevor Noah Mocks Trump’s Vain Refusal to Wear a Mask


“Trump is all about appearance, he’s not going to be wearing a mask, he doesn’t care about safety,” the “Daily Show” host said.

“Because the federal government took so long to react to this crisis, President Trump just doesn’t have enough ventilators to go around,” Trevor Noah said on Monday’s edition of “The Daily Social Distancing Show” from his couch. “What he can give people though is some unsolicited medical advice.” 

The host was, of course, talking about Trump’s seeming obsession with the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which he has been pushing every chance he gets at his daily briefings on the coronavirus pandemic. “But what do I know? I’m not a doctor,” the president said Sunday.

“Why are we getting his opinion at all?” Noah asked before giving Trump “some credit” for at least acknowledging that he’s not a doctor. He suggested that the president end all of his briefings with a disclaimer in the style of a pharmaceutical ad: “Donald Trump is not a doctor and his advice should not be taken seriously. If you have an erection lasting longer than four hours, please let Donald Trump know because that’s pretty cool.”

Later, Noah moved on to the CDC’s new recommendation that all Americans wear cloth masks when out in public. “The CDC’s going to have everybody looking like broke-ass Mortal Kombat characters,” he joked. 

But while Joe Biden has committed to wearing a mask in public, Trump has said he doesn’t want to wear one. “Which, let’s be honest, doesn’t surprise anyone,” Noah said. “Trump is all about appearance, he’s not going to be wearing a mask, he doesn’t care about safety.” 

“In fact, the only way they could get him to wear a mask is if his aides trick him,” he continued. “They’ve just got to trick him like he’s a child: ‘No, Mr. President, it’s not a mask, it’s a border wall for your face.’” 

For more, listen to Daily Show correspondent Jordan Klepper on The Last Laugh podcast