‘Daily Show’ Unloads on GOP’s Baffling Defense of Herschel Walker


Trevor Noah summed up the Republican Party’s new stance as “Abortion is totally unforgivable—unless I need to do it.”

Comedy Central

At the end of a very bad week for Herschel Walker, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah dug into the Republican Party’s reaction to the “walking Maury Povich episode” currently running for Senate in Georgia. And he couldn’t quite believe what he found.

Describing Walker as “one of the loudest champions” for a total ban on abortion in America, Noah said it was “a bit awkward” when The Daily Beast broke the story about him paying for a former girlfriend—and mother of one of his children—to abort their child. And in response to Walker saying on Thursday that “if” he had paid for the abortion it would be “nothing to be ashamed of,” the host said, “I agree with him, it’s not… unless you’re known as the anti-abortion guy!”

“Now, clearly Herschel Walker is willing to run on a platform that he doesn’t actually believe,” Noah added. “But what’s been amazing to see is how the Republican Party feels the same way.”

After playing clips of figures like Newt Gingrich and Dana Loesch excusing Walker’s actions in the most damningly hypocritical terms, Noah replied, “You’ve got to love it when they say the quiet part out loud: Abortion is totally unforgivable—unless I need to do it.”

What these conservatives are saying, Noah explained, is “You’re fine with abortion if you need to win a Senate race, but you’re not fine with a woman needing it to save her own life.”

Finally, Noah marveled at the way Republicans are able to “forgive certain people” but when it comes to prison reform or college debt, “suddenly they’re like, ‘People have got to pay the price for what they’ve done, there are consequences in life.’”

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