Trevor Noah Rips Rudy: ‘Only Got Himself to Blame’ for Catching COVID


“The Daily Show” host called it a “terrifying new development” in the pandemic, because “up until now, we didn’t even think that dead guys could get corona.”

Comedy Central

Trevor Noah kicked off a new week of The Daily Show by informing viewers that COVID-19 has “finally struck its least surprising victim yet.”

He was of course talking about Rudy Giuliani, who spent weeks gallivanting around the country pushing his client Donald Trump’s ridiculous voter fraud claims before testing positive for the coronavirus over the weekend. “Although he is suing to have that result overturned.”

“The truth is that Rudy’s only got himself to blame for this,” Noah said. “I mean, this dude was going all over the country refusing to wear a mask. What do you expect? If I go around licking car windshields, I can’t be shocked if I get bird flu. Or if I go around drinking at bars until 3 a.m., I can’t be surprised when I go home with yo mama!’”

But as much as Daily Show viewers may have “schadenfreude” about this news, Noah called Rudy’s diagnosis a “terrifying new development” in the pandemic. “Because you realize that up until now, we didn’t even think that dead guys could get corona.”

Wishing Giuliani a “speedy recovery” so he can “get back to the days when his hair was melting off of his head,” the host insisted that “nobody wants to make jokes about Rudy having a deadly disease.”

Noah said he preferred to make jokes about Giuliani farting through one of his recent “hearings,” which is what he proceeded to do for the next few minutes. “It sounded like his butt was demanding a recount of his lunch,” he joked. “Although, to be fair, that fart is no worse than any of the other legal arguments Trump’s team has made so far.”

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