
‘Daily Show’s’ Trevor Noah Blasts Kevin Spacey: ‘Talk About the Worst Time’ to Come Out


“Wow, why is the twist always that Kevin Spacey is the bad guy?” the host asked.

Comedy Central

Trevor Noah was the first late-night host to tackle the highly disturbing sexual misconduct allegation against Kevin Spacey, kicking off his “Ain't Nobody Got Time for That” segment Monday night by looking at the “house of cards” that is literally “falling down around powerful men in Hollywood” following the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault revelations.

As The Daily Show host told his viewers, Spacey used his apology to actor Anthony Rapp, who was just 14 years old when the alleged incident occurred, to come out as gay for the first time publicly.

“Wow, why is the twist always that Kevin Spacey is the bad guy?” Noah asked.

“And talk about the worst time to go public with your sexuality,” he continued. “I mean it’s always good to live your truth, but don’t use it to get out of trouble.”

Noah imagined if a cop pulled Spacey over for drunk driving and asked him to come out of his vehicle. “He’s like, ‘That’s not the only thing I’m willing to come out of…’”

With that, Noah moved on to his next topic. But he promised he would have more to say about this story soon.