Despite receiving an official state dinner from outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth, President Donald Trump and his family have not been receiving the warmest of welcomes during his trip to the United Kingdom this week.
“Man, British protesters are no joke,” Trevor Noah said after sharing some of the most creative large-scale demonstrations with The Daily Show viewers Tuesday night. “Tens of thousands protesting Trump,” he continued, “and this was in the rain, which I know to them is a summer day, but that’s not the point.”
The host marveled at the fact that “even conservative people don’t like Trump” in Britain, as evidenced by the snub the U.S. president received from May’s likely successor, Boris Johnson. “They’ll be like, ‘There’s too many bloody immigrants, it’s time to shut down our borders,” but if you ask them if they like Trump, they’ll respond, “‘Oh God no, not him. He’s the worst immigrant of all!’”
Of course, for Trump, Noah added, “protests are like Eric, he just pretends they don’t exist.”
“Even coming over today, there were thousands of people cheering and then I heard that there were protests,” Trump insisted to reporters during a press conference on Tuesday. “I said, ‘Where are the protests? I don't see any protests.’ I did see a small protest today when I came, very small, so a lot of it is fake news, I hate to say.”
“Oh man, Trump is adorable,” Noah replied. “Because he doesn’t go with one excuse, he goes with all of them and you can pick which one you like best.” Mimicking the president, he added, “The people were cheering, I saw no protest, I saw a small protest, but it was a fake protest and I didn’t see it!”
Fact-checking Trump, Noah reported estimates that “tens of thousands of people marched in the streets, which is not small.”
“How does Trump always get this wrong?” he asked. “First his inauguration and now this? It’s almost like Trump is dyslexic but just for crowd sizes. And also for words.”