
Dana Loesch: Only the NRA Can Stop ‘Existential Threat’ Kamala Harris, So Give Us Money Now


The NRA spokeswoman ranted about the ‘threat’ posted by Sen. Harris and how the gun-rights org are the only ones who can stop the march towards socialism.

Because we watch Trumpland TV so you don’t have to, today we learned the National Rifle Association (through spokesperson and NRATV host Dana Loesch) is officially declaring Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris’ presidential candidacy an “existential threat to our Second Amendment”—and only you, deep-pocketed gun lovers, can stop her march toward an allegedly socialist future:

<p>There is one hope. One alternative. The one organization powerful enough to disrupt the socialist plans to disarm America. The one organization she fears is the NRA, made up of millions of people just like you. If you aren't a member, I need you to join. I need you to donate. And I need every gun owner and freedom-loving American to join us in this fight. Now. Today.</p>

Well, she’s not wrong! The NRA does need your money. Or someone's money, at least.

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