
Demi Moore Might Be Dating an Australian Pearl Diver and He Is Amazing

Gimme Moore

He’s 20 years younger, is a professional pearl diver, and goes by the names Will Hanigan and Simranjeet Singh.

Michael Tran/FilmMagic/Getty

“The rainforest will heal you on so many different levels. The ayahuasca gives you the visual journey of what you’re going through on a physical and meta-physical level. It’s good.”


Ladies and gentleman, meet Demi Moore’s alleged new boyfriend.

His name is Will Hanigan. He is a 30-year-old commercial pearl diver and “adventurer” from Perth, Australia who goes by the name Simranjeet Singh on Facebook. The gossip sites are chirping about Demi having her cougar claws out once again because he’s 30 and she’s 50 so rawr or whatever—but the real story here isn’t the age difference. It’s how delightfully bizarre this guy sounds.

It’s unclear how they unlikely duo met, but they are bound by their love for yoga. “We know each other through yoga, and we’ve become close,” Hanigan told Star magazine, all but confirming their relationship. “She’s an amazing woman.” That Star report is accompanied by a photo of the fledgling lovers emerging from yoga class. His mat was made out of a shearling robe, as if he was doing downward-facing dog on the set of Game of Thrones, not a studio in West Hollywood.

Details gathered from Hanigan’s Facebook, the handful of media profiles written about him, and the two-and-a-half minute video filmed right after he experimented with ayahuasca while on retreat in the Amazon jungle in Peru hint at a man who is a modern day Crocodile Dundee by way of Deepak Chopra with Woody Harrelson as a spiritual guide. (Attempts to reach Hanigan through Facebook went unanswered.)

He works for the Australian jewelry company Pinc Pearls, one assumes as a pearl diver, unless all the headlines branding him so are just really running away with this narrative of Will the Wild Adventurer. Unpredictably, he has also worked for, of all things, the road crew of Australian hip-hop/reggae artist Dub FX.

His Facebook and Instagram profiles brim with photos of a young, muscular man with a beard at various stages that range from adorably scruffy to full-on Duck Dynasty and long, blond Fabio hair. He is photographed kayaking, scuba diving, meditating, sleeping in a mosquito net, and on a myriad of outdoorsy sojourns. Rarely is there a shirt. In this fabulous photo he is doing a high kick while wearing high-waisted chain-link patterned leggings.

He reportedly follows the Sikh religion, which explains the alternative name of Simranjeet Singh that he goes by on Facebook. His friends describe him as a “lovable drifter” and a “clearly passionate individual.” His Facebook includes links to petitions to preserve sacred Aboriginal burial grounds and affirmations like, “If you have your full attention in the moment, you will only see love.”

But, as Star thoughtfully worries, “IS THERE A DARK SIDE TO HER THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER?”

There’s a video on YouTube of an, um, illuminated Hannigan recounting his trippy experience experimenting with ayahuasca, which is an incredibly hallucinogenic (and illegal in the U.S.) liquid brewed from vines and leaves, in Peru. “I went through some interesting stuff with the mind, and then it go to the point where I was about to leave my body,” he said. “I wasn’t prepared to leave my body so I put up a bit of a fight. So that was really cool to experience something on that level.”

That’s all fun to giggle about but—wait!—remember that Moore has struggled with addiction to prescription pills in the past, Star implores. Is it not dangerous for her to be around someone who tried a hallucinogenic that’s not available in the United States one time six months ago? The mag even quotes an anonymous but equally distressed friend: “Will is obviously an earthy guy and seems to have a lot of good qualities. But Demi has worked so hard to get her life and health back on track, I’d hate to see anything jeopardize the positive steps she’s made.”

The overly dramatic twist in the not-even-sure-if-this-real story is just one of the handful of humorous aspects of the coverage of this maybe-relationship, the least of which is the obsession over Moore’s affinity for young, hunky men. It’s almost as if it’s hard to believe that a single, unattached adult woman might be attracted to young, hunky men. The absurdity of it all!

Moore has reportedly dated 26-year-old art dealer Vito Schnabel and 32-year-old millionaire Harry Morton since divorcing ex Ashton Kutcher, and Hanigan has already been branded with the “boytoy label. Play away, Demi. Play away.