Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty/DNC/Harris For President
Democrats are worried about Green Party candidate Jill Stein—at least, that’s what they’re broadcasting with several new anti-Stein ads this week. The Democratic National Committee has installed billboards in key swing states that read, “Jill Stein helped Trump once. Don’t let her do it again.” The ads, which the party is touting in press releases, are up in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, including one in Milwaukee, where Kamala Harris is campaigning today. Meanwhile, state officials put their names on statements calling Stein “a spoiler candidate” and, in the latter three, noted that she earned enough votes in 2016 to exceed Donald Trump’s margin of victory over Hillary Clinton. The DNC last week released an anti-Stein TV ad in those three “blue wall” states featuring Trump praising the third-party candidate. And there are already signs she could have a definitive impact this year, as she polls at or above 1 percent with help from voters angry about both major parties’ support for Israel. While it’s not yet finalized, a DNC spokesperson told the Daily Beast the committee will likely spend more to reenforce the message that Stein is a spoiler.