A pair of protesters interrupted Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign stop Friday morning, shouting for him to, “Go back to Florida, pudding fingers” as the presidential hopeful stepped off his bus in Iowa. The hecklers, identified as Heather Ryan and Kara Ryan, repeated the chant through a bull horn and rang a cowbell as DeSantis made rounds with the locals. At one point, the duo squared off with supporters, one of whom appeared to try to grab the bullhorn and intimidate the women into leaving the rally. DeSantis tried to deliver a statement amidst the chaos, but the determined protesters drowned him out. The infamous “pudding fingers” remark originated from a March rumor—first reported by The Daily Beast—that DeSantis once ate pudding using three fingers instead of the customary spoon.
Hard to hear Ron DeSantis at his first Iowa campaign stop of the day as a pair of protesters with cowbells call him “pudding fingers” and demand he “go back to Florida.” pic.twitter.com/9j8EbqCd2U