Hell hath no fury like the New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women, especially when someone tries to upstage their biggest fundraiser. The group is furious at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for scheduling a visit to the state Tuesday that clashes with their “Lilac Luncheon” (star speaker: former President Donald Trump). News of the clash prompted an angry statement from the federation, which is officially neutral in the campaign, attacking DeSantis for his “unprecedented” lack of consideration and urging him to reschedule his town hall meeting. But according to Politico, which noted how DeSantis had been gradually dropping behind Trump in the state, the damage has already been done. “If there’s one thing you don’t do in New Hampshire, it’s piss off the grassroots women,” an unnamed adviser to a rival candidate told Politico. “It’s the worst strategic move he has exhibited thus far,” added Mike Dennehy, a New Hampshire-based Republican strategist. “It’s just stupid, actually. You don’t take on the New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women.”