If there's one thing that lawmakers from both parties can agree on, it's that we all love our four-legged friends. But it's tough when we have to leave Spot behind because we can't take him on a train. That's why four House members have introduced a bill called the Pets on Trains Act of 2013. The measure would require Amtrak to set aside one car per train for passengers with pets—dogs and cats—who are traveling less than 750 miles. Under the bill, the animals would have to be kenneled, but even in this bitterly-divided Congress, this is one bill that might actually get passed.

This furry friend wanted an aisle seat.

Sitting pretty on the train.

Peek-a-boo! This dog sees you.

Just taking in the sights.

These pooches are either hiding from the conductor or getting ready to pounce on an unsuspecting passenger.

This dog is catching up on its newspaper reading.

How much is that doggie in the window?

The train is so much more relaxing than driving, at least for this canine companion.

This dog is taking advantage of a long train ride to make some new friends.