Donald Trump called NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers a “moron” and threatened Comcast, the channel’s corporate owner, in an early morning social media post Tuesday. Minutes after the release of a special counsel report about the investigation into Trump’s alleged interference in the 2020 election, the president-elect took to Truth Social at 1:24 a.m. to call Seth Meyers names. “I got stuck watching Marble Mouth Meyers,” he wrote, adding, “these are not shows or entertainment, they are simply political hits... Comcast should pay a BIG price for this!” Trump was reacting to a 10-minute segment on Meyers’ show where he detailed the ongoing “civil war” between MAGA movement figures like Steve Bannon and tech billionaire Elon Musk. “Trump is caught in the middle between the MAGA diehards and the rich oligarchs who helped him get elected,” said Meyers. “And he doesn’t even really know what the hell they’re talking about.”
Read it at Truth SocialPolitics
Trump Attacks Seth Meyers After TV Segment on Bannon-Musk MAGA Civil War
Trump’s 1:24 AM social post came shortly after the release of the official election interference report.
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