Dylann Roof, the white supremacist convicted of killing nine people at an historic black church in 2015, now wants to fire his Jewish and Indian appellate lawyers, The State reported. “Because of my political views, which are arguable [sic] religious, it will be impossible for me to trust two attorneys that are my political and biological enemies,” Roof wrote to officials at the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. He said that because his appointed attorneys are Jewish and Indian, it has been “barrier to effective communication” and also that the Jewish lawyer defending him at his federal trial “was a constant source of conflict even with my constant efforts to look past it.” Roof, who is appealing a death sentence, showed no remorse for the murders during his trial, and said that he hoped to start a race war in the United States.
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Dylann Roof Wants to Fire Jewish, Indian Lawyers: His ‘Biological Enemies’
Also said the Jewish lawyer defending him at his federal trail “was a constant source of conflict.”
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