Like the rest of her 2020 Democratic presidential contenders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) agrees that Congress and the public should get to see Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s full report. But she’s not sure voters will actually care what it says.
As a former law professor, Warren told The Late Show’s Stephen Colbert Monday night that she does not trust Attorney General William Barr’s assessment that President Donald Trump is not guilty of obstruction of justice. “And you shouldn’t have to ask me if I trust it,” she said. “We should see the whole report. When we see the whole report, we’ll know what the basis is for this, period.”
At the same time, Warren, who spent the weekend campaigning in New Hampshire, explained that she probably answered about a hundred different questions from voters there. “And do you know the number that were about the Mueller report?” she asked. “Zero.”
“What people are talking about, what they’re asking about, are the things that touch their lives every day,” Warren continued.
Asked by Colbert if the Mueller investigation was “more of a Washington obsession,” she made sure to say that she does believe it’s “important,” but added, “what people are focused on is what’s happening in their lives.”
Heading into the 2020 election, she asked, “What is going to decide what kind of country we’re going to be going forward? Are we going to be a country that just continues to work better and better for people who are richer and richer and not work for anything else? Or are we actually going to be a country that pulls that back and says no, we believe that our government and our country can be made to work for all of us?”
“That’s the fundamental question,” Warren said. In other words, she is ready to move on from Mueller.