Jeffrey Epstein alleged that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump was his “closest friend” in tapes exclusively obtained by the Daily Beast from author Michael Wolff. What’s more is Epstein claimed to be so close with Trump that he allegedly knew the intimate details of his sexual proclivities, as well as his first time with former First Lady Melania. Epstein’s revelations were recorded during a August 2017 conversation with author Michael Wolff, who was researching his bestseller Fire and Fury at the time. Epstein claimed that Trump first slept with Melania on his plane, Lolita Express, and he referred to Trump as “charming,” and “always fun” but an ultimately friendless person who liked to “f--- the wives of his best friends.” Despite Trump claiming to have limited dealings with Epstein, the recordings paint a different picture of their relationship, with Epstein being someone who intimately knew Trump‘s life and psyche. Epstein alleged that Trump had scalp reduction surgery for baldness and called himself “The Trumpster” in private. And according to Epstein in the recordings, he only knew this because he was Trump’s “closest friend for 10 years.”