Ernie & Bert Are Not Gay or Getting Married: Twitter Responds
From the Streets
Sesame Street’s statement on Ernie and Bert’s sexuality has caused an uproar on Twitter. See the best!
Moritz Winde / Getty Images
It’s settled: Sesame Street’s bickering bunkmates Ernie and Bert are just friends. There has long been speculation that the cohabitating Muppets may be something more and a “mo”-referencing tweet in June 2010 was recognized as a subtle nod to the gay community. But Sesame Workshop released a statement on Thursday, insisting Ernie and Bert are nothing but puppets. “Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street Muppets™ do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation,” read the statement via Facebook, a response to a petition on for Ernie and Bert to wed. Twitter users have been sending their responses in 140-character fury. From the sympathetic to the humorous, see what people are saying about the wedding that seemingly will never be.
#BertAndErnie People are petitioning for Sesame Street to marry Bert & Ernie. This fact is brought to you by the letters W,T & F.