
Even Maria Bartiromo Says Trump Didn’t Drain the Swamp


The Fox host took the former president to task on at least one point.

Maria Bartiromo has had it out for Republican candidates this month, and Donald Trump seems to be no exception. During a Fox News interview from his Bedminster, New Jersey, residence that aired on Sunday, Bartiromo called Trump out for not living up to his “drain the swamp” promises after he riffed on how he knew the people—“the good ones, the bad ones, the dumb ones, the smart ones”—in Washington, D.C. “But you didn’t drain the swamp like you said you would,” Bartiromo said. “You didn’t drain the swamp.” Trump tried to push back, noting he fired FBI Director James Comey. “If I didn't fire Comey, I don't think I would have been able to serve out my term,” he said.