
Everyone’s Bummed in New 'True Detective' Trailer

The Yellow King Returns

Somebody give them all a hug.

Lacey Terrell/HBO

“You ask me, the light’s winning.”

Those were the final words spoken in the first thrilling season of HBO's True Detective. Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) learned that time may be a flat circle, but the good will outweigh the bad in the end.

The trailer for the new season of True Detective couldn’t be further from that sentiment. Each of the four major characters—played by Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn, Rachel McAdams and Taylor Kitsch—gets a quick montage over a defining line of dialogue. A very pessimistic defining line of dialogue.

Take Vaughn's: "Sometimes your worst self is your best self."

Will this season bear out Cohle’s theory that the light is winning or will this season be—if it’s even possible—darker than the first? True Detective’s second season premieres June 21 on HBO.

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