Even Peter Griffin knows that wasn’t “locker room talk.”
Seth MacFarlane’s Family Guy thrust itself into the presidential race on Sunday when one of the show’s rare live-action cutaway moments found Peter Griffin riding the Access Hollywood bus with Donald Trump and Billy Bush.
In this version, it was Peter who suggested some “locker room talk,” but when Trump starts talking about “moving on” women, he responds, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s not ‘locker room talk.’ I meant like ‘good play,’ ‘good pass,’ like that kinda thing.”
“Well, as long as you didn’t try to fuck her and she was single,” Peter adds, to which Trump’s voice replies, “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
Peter goes on to make fun of Trump for popping Tic Tacs, “the cheapest breath mint,” and pitches the idea for Twitter: a place where “crazy people can bash ladies and minorities at 3 a.m.” When Trump for some reason knocks on the glass of the bus door instead of reaching down and pulling the handle, he laughs and says, “He can’t open it because of his tiny hands.”
MacFarlane, who tweeted out an uncensored version of the clip Sunday night, goes back a long way with Trump, acting as roast master for his Comedy Central roast in 2011. The Family Guy creator, who previously supported Bernie Sanders, hosted a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton at his Beverly Hills home last month.