
Flick Picks: 2011’s Best and Worst Movies (Video)

The Critics

In our video feature ‘Flick Picks,’ The Daily Beast’s Ramin Setoodeh and Rolling Stone film critic Peter Travers debate the new movies opening at a theater near you. In our year-end special, they pick the best and worst movies of 2011. See the winners from George Clooney and Ryan Gosling and why Taylor Lautner made the worst list—twice.

Andrew Cooper

The Best Movies

Some of our favorite films of the year include a love story between two 20-somethings that was entirely improvised, a silent black-and-white movie about classic Hollywood, and a family dramedy set in Hawaii with George Clooney. But none of these titles could match the top film of 2011. See what it is in the video below.

The Worst Movies

And what was the worst movie of 2011? Taylor Lautner managed to make our list not just once but for two movies. Then there is the movie that features the single lamest performance of the year—with Adam Sandler in drag.

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