A 37-year-old Florida man, has been arrested for allegedly donning a werewolf mask to torture his girlfriend’s 2-year-old daughter. The abuse was discovered after the girl's mother took her to a doctor on suspicion she had ringworm, according to NBC News. Andrew Bennett Ross-Celaius, often wearing a werewolf mask, allegedly threw half-full bottles of liquid at the girl while she slept and fired an air gun at her. NBC reports that he is also accused of placing an electric-shock dog training collar around her neck and burning her with a grill lighter. Ross-Celaius had been acquitted of murdering a 2-year-old in Mobile, Alabama, in 2006 after a lack of evidence raised reasonable doubt. “We’re comforted to some degree by the thought that this precious child will not be harmed tonight,” Escambia County Sheriff Chief Deputy, Chip Simmons, said late Saturday.