The kitchen is the most difficult part of any home to organize, in my opinion. That’s because unlike clothes or furniture, deciding what appliances, pantry staples, and tools you need to keep, and which to get rid of, can be tricky. Thankfully, there’s a new book from a brand and shop that makes some of our favorite kitchen items, that will both help you be a better home cook, and create a kitchen you only thought possible in your wildest dreams.
Food 52’s Your Do-Anything Kitchen isn’t a recipe book. It isn’t filled with 98 recipes you’ll never cook and two you’ll make for parties. Instead, each page is useful insofar as it provides tips, tricks, and essentially the theory behind how to have a successful kitchen and how to cook any recipe better and more efficiently and effectively. From stocking up, to creating order in your pantry and fridge, to basic cooking techniques, and even a special chapter on dish washing, the editors of Food52 take you on a culinary journey rife with answers to almost every question you’d ever ask in the kitchen.
However, while they recommend plenty of products you really do need like an awesome fish spatula and the dish rack of your dreams (which we also love), they also delve into items you might not necessarily need but are nice to have. Blenders or rice cookers don’t need to be in every kitchen after all, but if they are part of your dream kitchen, this book from Food 52 will help you make the necessary room for those tools, and have you cooking like a pro in no time.
From things that are worth spending a little more on to products you never realized you needed, The Case For reviews make compelling arguments for products that’ll upgrade your life.
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