Storing cut produce is one of the smallest but most annoying things about cooking. How do you properly keep an avocado from browning? Should you put an onion in Tupperware or a plastic baggie? Do you really need to cover the cut end of a lime? These are all questions that can be answered with one product: the Food Hugger.
These small silicone covers have saved me from dealing with a multitude of dried out citrus after cutting a wedge for a cocktail. They’ve kept me from just tossing half of an onion into the trash, and they keep open cans like chipotles in adobo from going bad after using just a single pepper. Food Huggers come in many different sizes to fit over many different things to help you cut down on your food waste. There’s even a specific avocado set. They’re made from 100 percent silicone, which means you can pop 'em right into the dishwasher for a good rinse post-use. I’m stocking up on these so that any time I cut anything in the kitchen, I’ll have a way to easily store it for the next time.

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