
Former Vatican Diplomat Convicted on Child Porn Charges


The former Holy See diplomat had sought leniency, arguing his actions were just a ā€œbump in the roadā€ of his priestly career.

Yuri Gripas/Reuters

The Vatican tribunal on Saturday convicted a former Holy See diplomat on child pornography charges and sentenced him to five years in prison for what he argued was just a ā€œbump in the roadā€ in his priestly career. After being recalled from the Vaticanā€™s embassy in Washington last year over the accusations, Monsignor Carlo Capella had admitted to viewing child pornography but attributed his actions to ā€œfragilityā€ brought on by a recent job transfer. In the first trial of its kind inside the Vatican, Tribunal President Giuseppe Dalla Torre on Saturday said Capella continued to access the material even after he was recalled. Prosecutors had pushed for a sentence of five years and nine months, citing the ā€œgreatā€ number of illicit images he viewed and shared.

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