
Fox Host Trish Regan Goes on Batsh*t Rant Against ‘Coronavirus Impeachment Scam’


“Many in the liberal media using, and I mean using, coronavirus in an attempt to demonize and destroy the president,” she fumed.

Fox Business Network host Trish Regan unleashed a truly bonkers tirade at the top of her primetime program Monday night, insisting that the coronavirus outbreak is actually “another attempt to impeach” President Donald Trump.

Regan—who seemingly competes with fellow FBN host Lou Dobbs over who can be a greater sycophant to the president—delivered her monologue in a breathless tenor that felt more at home in a dystopian Paul Verhoeven film.

“We've reached a tipping point,” she huffed. “The chorus of hate being leveled at the president is nearing a crescendo as Democrats blame him and only him for a virus that originated halfway around the world. This is yet another attempt to impeach the president.”

With an on-air graphic blaring “Coronavirus Impeachment Scam,” the Fox Business host declared that Democrats “care very little for the destruction they are leaving in their wake” and that the massive losses in the stock market are just “political casualties for them.”

Without a hint of irony, she then went on to say that “this is the time to be united” and not “to be pointing fingers” or “encouraging hate” before claiming we are seeing the “absolute opposite from the left.”

After playing a montage of Democrats and members of the media criticizing the Trump administration’s response to the outbreak, Regan wrapped up her rant by saying the “hate is boiling over.”

“Many in the liberal media using, and I mean using, coronavirus in an attempt to demonize and destroy the president,” she fumed.

Interestingly, while Regan accused Democrats of using a growing pandemic as an “impeachment scam” to take out the president, Fox News host Tucker Carlson was not-so-subtly calling out Trump and some of his Fox colleagues for actively downplaying and minimizing the seriousness of the outbreak.

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