Fox & Friends referred to Melania Trump as the incoming “second lady” in a morning segment on Monday, a week before her husband, Donald Trump, is set to take office as president. The slip-up appeared on the screen as the incoming first lady joined the show for an interview where she discussed her plans going back to the White House. The on-air chyron read: “Melania opens up about becoming second lady,” which showed on the screen during her sit-down. Social media users were quick to pounce on the mistake, with some commenters expressing anger at the channel using the wrong title for her. “Absolutely brilliant stuff from Fox News referring to Melania Trump as the second lady,” one user on X wrote. “Clearly Elon Musk is the First Lady.”
“What’s going @FoxNews and @foxandfriends ,” wrote another X user. “Who’s In-charge of the chyron? Someone DEFINITELY needs to be fired.”