
Laura Ingraham Tells Viewers to ‘Suit Up’ for Battle: ‘It Is Time to Do or Die’


“More chaos is coming,” she breathlessly declared. “If you love your country, if you love Western civilization, if you want to save the rule of law, you must stand now!”

Fox News host Laura Ingraham spoke in stark, apocalyptic terms about the coming election on Monday night, warning viewers that “more chaos is coming” and that they needed to “suit up for this battle” because it was do-or-die time.

The right-wing primetime star opened up her Monday evening broadcast by sniping at “conservatives on the sideline in this battle” while the country “is under attack,” taking aim at Never Trump Republicans for trying to help elect Democrats this cycle.

She also blasted conservative politicians who she claimed wasn’t stepping up to fight back as Black Lives Matter protests rage across the country, and statues and monuments are toppled.

“A lot of very clever people who’ve gone to a lot of fancy schools will someday be very sorry that when the time came for them to speak for America, they were nowhere to be found,” she fumed. “Because we’re going to beat the left either now or in the near future.”

“And someday, the riots will stop,” Ingraham continued. “Someday, law and order will really be restored. And someday, American heroes will be celebrated again. And when that happens, we’ll remember those who deserted their colors when times got tough. We know who they are and they know who they are. And we will never forget them.”

Later in the program, she directly addressed her viewers and pressed them to join the metaphorical war and help President Donald Trump get re-elected.

“The past month demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Democrats have become the party of chaos, lawlessness, and disorder,” she huffed. “Now, they not only want to defeat President Trump, that is obvious, they want to change the country in ways that would be extremely dangerous.”

After accusing Democrats of encouraging “rioting and looting” to keep power because “they hate our history, our traditions, and our way of life,” Ingraham demanded a call to action among conservatives.

“More chaos is coming,” she breathlessly declared. “We have one chance to stop it. If you love your country, if you love Western civilization, if you want to save the rule of law, you must stand now!”

“You must be willing to suit up for this battle,” she concluded. “In school board meetings, town council meetings, maybe even a parent/teacher conference and, of course, state and federal elections. It is time to do or die!”

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