
Fox News Host Grills Kellyanne: Biden’s ‘Got a Plan’ for COVID, What Is Trump Doing?


“Joe Biden’s got a plan,” Fox News’ Sandra Smith informed Kellyanne Conway. “It’s on his campaign website.”

Fox News host Sandra Smith confronted Kellyanne Conway—yet again—on Wednesday with a new poll that finds 61 percent of Americans saying the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic has been unsuccessful. 

“Most Americans do still see a very big problem on our hands when it comes to the handling of the virus,” she said. Pointing out that Notre Dame just had to send all of its students home and go back to online classes after an outbreak on campus, Smith asked, “What is the message from the president as he begins his convention next week to those who are still greatly feeling the effects economically and more from this virus?”

Conway began by explaining that Trump has restarted his near-daily coronavirus press briefings. As she started to list some of the steps the administration has taken over the past several months to “mitigate” the virus, Smith interrupted her to say, “Bring it to today.” She wanted to know what the president is doing specifically to make sure students will be able to learn in the fall.

“Well, the president will address that today if he’s asked,” the White House counselor replied, proceeding to blame college students for not practicing social distancing and basic “hygiene.” 

Before the interview was over, Conway tried to get in one last dig at the Democrats. “I didn’t hear Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, John Kerry, anybody talk about this virus in a meaningful, solutions-based way for months while we were here 'round the clock!” she exclaimed. “If they’ve got a good idea, Sandra, they shouldn’t be sitting on it until November 4th.”

“He’s got a plan. Joe Biden’s got a plan,” Smith replied calmly. When Conway asked, “Where is it?” the host explained, “It’s on his campaign website. It’s there, you can read through it, they ask for a lot more funding, a lot more testing.” 

“Yeah, sure,” Conway shot back, rolling her eyes. “I’ve read through it,” she added, unconvincingly. “It’s not much of a plan.”