Fox News Host: Trump Wants Best Immigrants, Not ‘Some Guy’s Uncle From Zimbabwe’
Jesse Watters makes clunky argument for merit-based immigration.
Fox News
Fox News host Jesse Watters has been accused of racism once again after saying the U.S. wants the “best and brightest” immigrants, not “some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe.” Hosting The Five on Monday, Watters and his co-hosts were discussing President Trump’s tweeted demand that Congress throw support behind a bill to fund tougher immigration policies. Greg Gutfeld argued Trump should use a border wall with Mexico as an idea to spark more conversation about security, then Juan Williams said Trump wants to cut legal and illegal immigration. “He wants merit-based,” Watters chimed in. “That would cut legal immigration by bringing in the best and brightest. So we don’t bring in some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe.” After Williams sarcastically replied “Oh, Zimbabwe, thank you,” Watters quickly added “Or Thailand.”
Juan Williams subtly calls out Jesse Watters right as he says: “[Merit-based] would cut legal immigration by bringing in the best and brightest. So we don't bring in some guy's uncle from Zimbabwe.”