Fox News anchor John Roberts wondered on Monday why white supremacist-linked shootings, such as the one that occurred in Florida over the weekend, are still happening—since Joe Biden vowed to unify the country once he was president.
In yet another racially motivated mass shooting, a 21-year-old white man opened fire on a Dollar General in Jacksonville on Saturday, killing three Black people before turning the gun on himself. According to authorities, who are investigating the massacre as a hate crime, the gunman wrote a series of racist manifestos and emblazoned his assault-style rifle with swastikas.
“We must refuse to live in a country where Black families going to the store or Black students going to school live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin,” Biden said in a statement after the shooting. “Hate must have no safe harbor. Silence is complicity and we must not remain silent.”
Speaking to Fox News contributor Leo Terrell on Monday, though, Roberts asked why racist shootings are still taking place in the wake of Biden’s unifying rhetoric.
“He pledged to unite the country back in his inauguration speech, several times prior and after that, and yet horrific things like what happened over the weekend still happen,” Roberts declared on Fox News’ America Reports. “Where is this country at this moment?”
Terrell, a former liberal pundit who rechristened himself “Leo 2.0” after fully embracing Donald Trump in 2020, responded by insisting that systemic racism no longer exists while blasting Democrats. And he also claimed to know what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would and wouldn’t believe if he were alive today.
“The Democrats have basically tried to attach themselves to King's legacy without the principle. King wouldn't accept critical race theory, the 1619 Project, all this division of hatred,” Terrell exclaimed, tossing out Fox News’ favorite “woke” buzzwords.
“I'm not sitting here telling you that racism does not still exist in this country, we're not a perfect union, but John Roberts, I'm telling you systemic racism does not exist in any segment of this country,” he added. “By the way, we had a Black president. We have Black congressmen. We have people of color in every aspect of this country. We have people of color running major metropolitan cities.”
Terrell concluded: “So Democrats will not let go of the systemic racism card because if they do, they will not have a party. And that's why you see a lot of Black Americans and Hispanics leaving the Democratic party saying, we don't believe you anymore, and they are moving to the Republicans, such as myself, to join the Trump team.”