Fox News medical analyst Marc Siegel speculated on Thursday that President Joe Biden has a 50 percent chance of not surviving a potential second term. Speaking to Piers Morgan on Fox News Tonight, Siegel said his main concern about Biden—who would be 86 by the time a second term ends in 2029—was not his age per se. “I think it’s a question of cognitive fitness and fitness in general, fitness for office,” he said. Siegel went on to say “cognitive testing should be in order” and spoke about the president’s health issues. “He has an irregular heartbeat and that irregular heartbeat—he’s on blood thinners—so that if he falls, and again, I don’t want to be indelicate here, but if he falls and hits his head next time, you know MSNBC says, ‘Where’s the Secret Service?’ Well, Secret Service could be right on top of him and he can bang his head and have a bleed, God forbid.” Siegel added that “your life span shortens” with an irregular heartbeat diagnosis. “So yes, there is probably a 50 percent chance, God forbid, that he wouldn’t survive another term just on the basis of his underlying health issues and that he’s on blood thinners for this irregular rhythm.”