French President Emmanuel Macron has addressed controversial comments he made last year that appeared to be supportive of Gérard Depardieu as the actor faced a series of allegations of sexual wrongdoing. In an interview published Wednesday, Elle magazine asked Macron if he still believes Depardieu makes France “proud,” referring to remarks he made about the actor last year. Macron said that he isn’t complacent about the allegations concerning Depardieu but that he wants “respect our principles, such as the presumption of innocence.” “These same principles which will allow justice to rule next October and that is a good thing,” he added. Depardieu is set to go on trial in October on two counts of sexual assault over allegations stemming from his alleged actions toward two women on a film set in 2021. He is also being investigated over an allegation of rape in 2018 made by the actress Charlotte Arnould.