Lori Loughlin, the Full House star who paid half a million dollars to buy her daughters’ way into college, has given her first television interview since spending two months in jail. Loughlin appeared on KTLA on Saturday for a special on Project Angel Food, a nonprofit she works with that provides meals to those facing food insecurity. Speaking about the Varsity Blues scandal, which spanned the nation and involved 33 parents, Loughlin said that she felt “down and broken” after pleading guilty and spending two months behind bars. The former Hollywood darling suggested that, in some ways, she embodies the mission of Project Angel Food, which, again, provides meals to the food insecure. “That’s what Project Angel Food is: working with people who have hit a low in their life,” said Loughlin, who coughed up $500,000 so her daughters could don those cute USC Trojan sweatshirts.