Amy Stabile, the daughter of 9/11 victim Herman Broghammer, was recently horrified after seeing an ad on her Facebook feed depicting the cartoon cat Garfield as a plane flying into two ‘twin towers’ of lasagna accompanied by the text, “9/11? Yeah I’ll take 911... orders of lasagna!” In an interview, Stabile told Fox 5 New York, “When I saw Garfield—I didn’t even understand how it goes together. There are so many things you could put on a T-shirt. Why this? You feel so crushed that someone, anyone, could think that the loss of these lives is funny.” The particular store where Stabile found the item has since removed the shirts from sale, but other Etsy sellers have already listed the shirt in its place. Stabile is calling on Etsy to “stand up for the families of 9/11″ and enact stricter policies preventing similar items from being sold in the future. Broghammer was the Senior Vice President of AON Corporation, which lost 176 employees during the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.