I reached Oksana earlier today by phone and she told me she had learned of Gaddafi’s death from the Internet. She sounded very upset. We spoke for a few minutes before someone—possibly her husband?—told her to hang up the phone and we were cut off. Here is what she told me:
"My family and I are in deep mourning for him. Even my parents, whohave never met him, feel terribly sorry that he is dead. As I said hewould, he did stay in Libya to his end. I consider him a brave hero.He did not escape the country, but stayed to die on his own land inhis hometown of Sirte. All these months, I hoped that he would survive.My friends, Ukrainian nurses who worked for him, are all back inUkraine—nobody was next to him on his last day. Why should we hatehim or think of him as tyrant, if he gave us jobs and paid us well? Weall have only warm feelings for him."Balinskaya said that she wanted to return to her life in Libya. "Nomatter with Gaddafi or without, life in Libya is incomparably morecomfortable for us than here in Ukraine. I cannot wait for the war toend, so we could go back home to Tripoli."