Game of Thrones’ Big Series Finale Screw-Up: A Plastic Water Bottle Cameo


Yes, it appears the HBO epic couldn’t end things without another drink-related prop gaffe.


Who could forget the infamous coffee cup seen ‘round the world during the Battle of Winterfell celebratory banquet in “The Last of the Starks,” the fourth episode of Game of Thrones eighth (and final) season.

“The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea,” HBO said in a statement, before removing the coffee cup from the scene during future airings.

Well, it turns out the props department made another drink-related blunder—though this one might be on John Bradley, the actor who plays Samwell Tarly.

You see, in Sunday night’s “The Iron Throne,” the HBO epic’s series finale, a plastic water bottle can clearly be seen hiding behind Tarly’s left foot.

The scene occurs a little over 46 minutes into the 80-minute-long episode, as the remaining leaders of Westeros have all assembled to determine what punishment should—SPOILER ALERT!—fall upon Tyrion and Jon Snow after the emo King of the North, during a passionate embrace, drove a blade deep into Dany’s heart.

After Grey Worm trots Tyrion out in front of the leadership council, the camera cuts to Tyrion’s POV, staring back at the leaders (including Sam?) seated in chairs. And lo and behold, a plastic watter bottle can be seen positioned behind Sam’s foot: 

As one Twitter user jokingly wrote, “They should’ve made the watter bottle king of Westeros.”

Honestly, it would’ve been a more exciting choice than “Bran the Broken.”

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