
This Squishy, Ergonomic Kitchen Mat Is Making Me Reconsider My Wood Floors


This kitchen mat feels like I’m wearing the orthopedic insoles I probably need—and plus, it looks cool, too.

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Scouted/Amazon

Kitchen rugs can quickly spell disaster. I tried a white and tan one for a while, and by a while I mean two days. That was enough time for it to get splattered with tomato sauce, stained with red wine, and admittedly, peed on by my dog. A darker color came with its own issues—it was tricky to find one that didn’t slip or slide, and then, after a week, I began to wonder: what’s on this rug that I can’t see? This was all before I discovered Gel Pro Mats.

This Gel Pro Mat is the kitchen equivalent of a seat cushion for your desk chair or those ergonomic mats for standing desks. It’s a mat made out of, you guessed it, gel and foam. It comes in plenty of different designs so it can match your decor and your sense of style. I personally went with this calming blue option.

GelProNewLife Mat

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We’ve been cooking more, which means more chopping, slicing, dicing, and more dish doing, too. All of this equates to more standing in the kitchen than I’m used to. With this mat, I don’t dread standing on my hard, wooden floor anymore. Instead, I end up loving where I’m standing because stepping on it is—I’ll say it—bliss. It feels like wearing the orthopedic insoles I probably need (though it’s more stylish). Instantly, I can feel my calf and hamstring muscles loosen, my toes wiggle freely and happily, and I can actually focus on the task at hand. The mat has beveled edges so they don’t curl up, and it has a non-slip bottom, so that it never slides around.

If you’re wondering, yes, I have been dragging it around the house to wherever I need to stand next. And if you’re also wondering, yes, I am considering replacing my wood floors with this material. It’s just so damn comfy.

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