
Gene Therapy Has The Potential To Change Hereditary Diseases

Fixing Mutations, Changing Lives

Gene therapy has been around in different forms for decades, but only now is its full potential being realized.

Gene therapy can be used to replace a mutated gene causing a negative effect or disease with a functioning copy of that gene. Correcting the body’s genetic code is about as complicated as it sounds-beyond identifying the gene causing a specific disease, and beyond building a gene therapy agent, there’s the matter of getting the gene therapy agent delivered to the right part of the body.

Watch the above video to learn about the potentially life-changing implications of gene therapy.

Previous Cure Hunters episodes:

Episode 1 | How Are Medicines Made?

Episode 2 | Harnessing The Immune System To Fight Cancer

Episode 3 | The Itch That Rashes

Episode 4 | NASH: The Silent Killer

Episode 5 | Precision Medicine: Targeting Cancer At The Source

Episode 6 | Building a Mirror Molecule

Episode 7 | Hunting Rare Diseases

Episode 8 | Take Your Breath Away

Episode 9 | Clinical Trials: Driving The Hunt Forward

Episode 10 | A Constant Threat