
‘Genesis’ Is Finally Here: Sebastião Salgado Celebrates Our Beautiful Planet

A Love Letter

For eight years, Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado captured the natural beauty of the world and traditional ways of life in what he calls his “love letter to the planet.”

Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images-Contact Press Images.

Since elephants are hunted by poachers in Zambia, they are scared of humans and vehicles. Alarmed when they see an approaching car, they usually run quickly into the bush. Kafue National Park. Zambia. 2010.

Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images-Contact Press Images.

Iceberg between Paulet Island and the South Shetland Islands on the Antarctic Channel. The Antarctic Peninsula. 2005.

Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images-Contact Press Images.

Chinstrap penguins on icebergs between Zavodovski and Visokoi islands. South Sandwich Islands. 2009.

Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images-Contact Press Images.

The Mursi and the Surma women are the last women in the world to wear lip plates. Mursi village of Dargui in Mago National Park, in the Jinka Region. Ethiopia. 2007.

Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images-Contact Press Images.

View of the junction of the Colorado and the Little Colorado from the Navajo territory. The Grand Canyon National Park begins after this junction. Arizona. USA. 2010.

Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images-Contact Press Images.

Typically, the women in the Zo’é village of Towari Ypy use the “urucum” (Bixa orellana) red fruit to color their bodies. Brazil. 2009.

Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images-Contact Press Images.

In the Upper Xingu region of Brazil’s Mato Grosso state, a group of Waura Indians fish in the Puilanga Lake near their village. Brazil. 2005.

Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images-Contact Press Images.

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