George Takei, best known for playing Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the starship Enterprise in the original TV series Star Trek, has emerged as a social-media sensation, with over 4 million Facebook friends and 650,000 followers on Twitter. He’s also the author of the bestselling e-book Oh Myyy! There Goes the Internet and is currently working on a new musical, Allegiance, that has a Broadway run planned. The musical is described as “an epic story of love, family, and heroism during the Japanese-American internment of World War II.” In honor of the release of Star Trek Into Darkness, George Takei shares his favorite Star Trek memes. I've seen a few versions of this. This is my favorite G-rated version. The others can't be printed, or involve a toilet. For some reason, a popular meme arose involving people speaking like Minnesotans. Here's what they sound like on Star Trek: TNG. This image has been popularized, usually with Kirk screaming, “Khaaaaaaan!” Or more popularly, “Yes we Khaaaaaaaan!” I held a caption contest on Facebook, and this was the winning entry. Combining the best of Star Trek and cat memes often produces alarmingly viral results. The Internet loves to portray the emotionless Spock as a stoner, a DJ, or even someone secretly into kinky sex. Epic fails deserve what's called a “face palm.” No one gives one better than Captain Picard. Nerds and techies adore their gadgets—and their androids. I've seen many memes built around this image. My favorite: "WTF is this grumpy-cat craze?"