Ghislaine Maxwell’s Siblings and Alleged Husband Propose $30 Million Bail Package to Get Her Out
Maxwell’s relations plan to propose the gargantuan bail package to a federal judge in order to free the accused Epstein recruiter in time for the holidays.
Ghislaine Maxwell, her alleged husband, and her siblings hope to pony up tens of millions in bail money to have her released from jail as she awaits trial on sex crimes charges involving Jeffrey Epstein, The Telgraph reports. Maxwell’s alleged husband Scott Borgerson, the 44-year-old former CEO of tech company CargoMetrics, will reportedly propose to a federal judge that he pay a $25 million bond that will be forfeit if Maxwell flees her trial, and her siblings will pay $5 million. They hope to free her before the holidays. Under the terms of the potential bail deal, Maxwell would leave Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, submit to house arrest and electronic monitoring, and relinquish her British and American passports. She holds a French passport, and French authorities have brought a case against her there as well. Maxwell’s siblings and Borgerson have reportedly taken to calling the plan “Operation Get Ghislaine Out.” She’s accused of grooming girls as young as 14 for Epstein, allegations she denies.