The 27-year-old Goldman Sachs analyst who became the second young man to turn up dead in a New York City creek after visiting the Brooklyn Mirage may have died from a peanut allergy, his father says. John Castic went missing Saturday after attending a concert at the venue, and his body was discovered three days later in Newtown Creek. Castic was found just a few days after another 27-year-old, Karl Clemente, was found dead in the same creek after visiting the Brooklyn Mirage, sparking viral theories of a potential serial killer. But Castic’s dad, Jeff, said the family believes it was all a tragic accident. “We think he either had an allergic reaction—he was allergic to peanuts and maybe ate something without realizing that it contained peanuts—or there was an undetected allergy mixed with alcohol,” he told the Daily Mail. He said his son had begun to feel ill while still at the club. Police sources cited by the New York Post have said Castic had no signs of physical trauma, Clemente’s death was also thought not to be suspicious.