
Greg Gorman: In Their Youth

Remember when these heartthrobs made their debuts? View exclusive pictures of young Tom Cruise, Leonardo and Ashton BC (before the crow's feet) from a new book by celebrity photographer Greg Gorman.

Greg Gorman

“That picture was taken so long ago. I met Johnny initially on the set of Cry Baby. He was coming off 21 Jump Street. I’m a big wine nut, and Johnny loves wine, and I remember on one shot for GQ, we took the food budget and spent it on a bottle of Caymus Special Select. So instead of having a good lunch, we had wine. It made for more interesting things to talk about.”

Greg Gorman

“He was also one of the early shoots I did for Interview. This was taken back in those days, in the early '80s, when companies did these pin-up posters of young stars.”

Greg Gorman

“That picture was taken on a shoot for American GQ, quite a long time ago. It was right after Risky Business. He’s great. Very focused, very polite. Not difficult to work with. He came prepared and was pretty open to trying whatever we wanted to shoot.”

Greg Gorman

“He was one of my early muses. I’ve photographed him so much. He’d come into a shoot and wasn’t afraid of showing his vulnerable side. He likes to play. He’s very comfortable in front of a still camera.”

Greg Gorman

“It’s funny to see him in the old days. Mickey was great. He was someone who just loved to do photo sessions. He loved to get his hand in what was going down in the photos—he would art direct all the shoots. He always played out little scenes as though it was for a movie.”

Greg Gorman

“Ben [Affleck] and Matt and I met in Toronto. They’d done Good Will Hunting, and nobody really knew who they were. We were shooting a campaign for Roots. It was like one in the morning, everyone was giddy and silly. We ended up going to a restaurant and saying, ‘Let’s drink some really good wine, because it’s all we’re gonna get out of this campaign.’”

Greg Gorman

“That’s from the very first shoot I did of David. I was a huge fan, I went to New York and did the shoot. I only put a few of the older acts in the book. But I felt that over the years [certain subjects] maintained their youth and still exhibited it—like [Mick] Jagger. David has matured as an artist, but he still holds on to an element of his youth that I find very appealing.”

Greg Gorman

“He was someone I shot initially for Interview magazine back in the early ‘80s. We started a long-term friendship and would shoot together when he was in L.A. He had asked if I would shoot him, and the irony was, when he came over to my house, I hadn’t been sure who he was, but when he walked in, I realized I’d seen him on the stage in London. So there was a déjà vu moment when we met. There was mutual admiration between us.”

Greg Gorman

“I didn’t know him very well, we did this shot—it was the same one I did with Ashton—a series that was put together for Content magazine. We’d shoot two to three kids a day. Every single one of them ended up doing terrifically. It’s interesting, a lot of these guys were at the cusp of just turning the key in the door, they were just starting to break out. They had a slight bit of femininity. They were just starting to get the depth and understanding of what was going on in their lives. They had a warmth that was very appealing.”

Greg Gorman

“I actually shot that for Detour magazine. I don’t know when, around the time of The Talented Mr. Ripley, I’m guessing. We shot in an old loft downtown. Jude was great in front of the window light. He was pretty versatile.”

Greg Gorman

“That was down in Atlanta. I was working, when I got a call from my office, saying Interview wanted to do a shoot in Atlanta. I said great, I’m in Atlanta, but I didn’t have any cameras with me. So they sent a point and shoot down. John came in, he was quite young, and we shot in someone’s back yard. We stayed in touch, he was great.”

Greg Gorman

“He was a kind of young, up and coming star. He was really very relaxed, and a lot of fun on the shoot. We were shooting on the roof of my studio on Beverly. I had a lighting set. It’s a cage, but what it is, is a lighting solution, where you use natural light with silks.”

Greg Gorman

“He was my neighbor in Laurel Canyon. I didn’t know who he was, I was still in film school, and he was the kid next door to me named Keith. Then I watched this movie Robert Altman directed, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, and I saw this guy who looked so familiar. I saw the credits and saw, it’s Keith! We became friends and shot a million shots over the years.”

Greg Gorman

“It was at the time he was switching from being a Calvin Klein model into acting. I didn’t really know too much about him, but he came in, and he was just very affable. He was keen to do cool pictures.”

Greg Gorman

“I’d photographed Orlando a couple times before, we’d done Pirates of the Caribbean together. He has a great face.”

Greg Gorman