Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has made it abundantly clear that nobody is taking her guns—and she thinks anyone who does is akin to Hitler. In her recently released memoir, the gun-obsessed former restaurant owner described her reaction when then presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke proposed an assault rifle buyback program. “O’Rourke’s answer to what he would do if people refused to sell back their guns looked like it was ripped from the pages of Mein Kampf,” she wrote. O’Rourke said that if someone refused to sell their guns to the government, law enforcement should step in to make sure it’s purchased, Insider reported. “Wow! O'Rourke planned to send armed officers to your home to take your guns,” she fumed. “That should have scared the heck out of any freedom-loving American.” Boebert may be interested to know that other countries have implemented gun buybacks, like Australia, which is not run by Nazis.